A story about a lady whose decision had changed someone's life.. With her decision someone got a life...... Here starts the story...............
The lady was so happy when she came to know that she is going to be a mother. True happiness of a women begins when she becomes a mother. It feels so amazing and miraculous when you know that a little creature in your womb waiting for his time to see the world.It feels good when you know that a small baby of your own waiting to come out to make your world so special. she used to take a lot of care for her baby , had a regular doctor checkup , used to spend time with her husband , used to go for a pleasant walk in the evening. She used to imagine her baby's features and used to paint them on a paper.
The time had arrived for a baby who wants to see this world .. The lady was admitted in the hospital and had an opearation. she was taken to the room and was in a deep sleep. She opened her eyes and was eagerly waiting to her baby. With a slow voice she asked the nurse who was sitting beside her. " Nurse ! Can i see my baby?? Can i see my baby?? " The nurse was silent. Again she asked " Where is my baby?? Show me my baby.." But still the nurse didnt reply.. The nurse , doctor and her husband looking out of the window thinking how to say her about the baby who went away from this world. The baby was dead due to respiration problem, the baby had left this world without even opening his eyes... "May be he dont want to see this jealous world .".. And more over she can never have a child again in her life...
The lady was shouting as no one is reponding her. With tears in her eyes she shouted ,"Why you people are silent? what happend to my baby??Is everything fine. I want my baby. I was in a full of joy and excitement to see and take my baby into my hands. But why are you not showing my baby???" Her husbad walked towards her and hugged her saying that the baby is no more. Hearing this the lady broken into tears and couldnot control herself.. It took almost 6 months to come out of the sorrow.. One day she decided strongly ,not to cry anymore for the one which you dont have and can never come back..
She decided to adopt a child . She thought that there are so many people who need our help.."Why cant i give life to someone who need it".. Immediately she told her decision to her husband and he too had no objection in adopting a child.. Both went to a orphonage and had adopted a child and she promised the child saying " baby i will take care of you from now , I will be your teacher, care taker, servant and your "MOTHER".. Every child needs a Lap..............
Here ends the story.......... There are so many who are in need of us. They need a mother , a father to take care of them.. They had taken this opportunity to become a mother.They need a mothre, a father to take care of them. The lady thought ," Atleast when we have no chance of having a child , Why cant we adopt a child........."
"Instead of wasting the life in sorrow of not having a child, We can adopt a child... We can give life to others and this brings a great satisfaction..."
:~) Hey that's some beautiful thought expressed in fine words.
ReplyDeleteSOme day I will have my own true story of adoption to tell. :~) My baby must be waiting for me already :)
ya, may be ur baby is waiting for you ....
ReplyDeletehey indeed i too have a thought of adopting a baby. its really one of the good deeds that we can do in our life.... is wat i feel :)